The Sunday Jazz Brunch Presents

Relaxin' With The Sunday Jazz Brunch

Air Date: 6/23/2024 on 90.5 WICN 8am-12pm ET

Although that looks like a nice winter holiday scene, I would like you to focus on the phone in the picture above. Put aside the nice steaming coffee, the glowing fireplace, the cozy slippers, and - oh yeah, by the way - don't worry about the actual temperature in triple digits outside your window.

Yes, it is the phone that we are concentrating on. Because come Sunday, June 23, you will need to use that phone to pledge support to WICN. There are two ways to do so:

  1. Call between 8am and noon, at 508-752-0700. A friendly volunteer will take your pledge.
  2. Visit our website and click the DONATE NOW link at the top of the page. Or, just go directly to that page with this link: donate here.
It couldn't be easier.
Assuming you dig jazz and enjoy all the what we bring you every day, and especially on the Sunday Jazz Brunch, then I hope you can support us with a donation that matches the level of pleasure brought to you by your jazz station, WICN 90.5.
Thanks for listening, and for all your support! 




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