WICN Summer in the City Fund Drive
Support Public Radio
Air Date: 6/26/2022
I am so grateful for all who tune in to the Sunday Jazz Brunch, and I am especially grateful for the subset of the group who gives me feedback on the show. Yes, I do take your feedback seriously and whenever possible I incorporate changes to the show to accommodate your needs as far as jazz is concerned.
Do you think this kind of interactivity is possible on the big commercial stations? Oh wait, there aren't any big commercial radio stations playing tons of jazz. Or blues. Or roots. Or soul. Or folk.
You get the idea. WICN is public radio, which means we are here for YOU. No commercials blasting after each song. No sound effects or yelling hosts. Just folks like you who really dig overlooked musical genres, and share that love over the airwaves.
I recently saw a documentary on PBS about WBCN, the famous Rock 'n Roll station in Boston that was born during the tumultuous '60's. While that was not public radio, and we are not a Rock 'n Roll station, I do see some similarities between the early version of WBCN and today's WICN. Like how both buck the trend of over-commercialization, have a good two-way connection with the listeners, and how both tend to introduce listeners to new sounds while at the same time preserving the classics.
Life is so much more enriched with the musical forms we play on WICN. I cannot imagine a world where this was unavailable or hard to get. I am grateful for the existence of public radio, WICN in particular.
If you agree, please call in on Sunday 508-752-0700, or pledge online during the show from 8am to 12pm ET, to donate to a cause that we both believe in. If you prefer, pledge online during the show.
Thanks for your support.