The Sunday Jazz Brunch Presents
Mafalda Minnozzi Live at Studio 50
Air Date: 3/20/2022
As spring tentatively approaches, we are ourselves tentatively springing back to life in what is hopefully a post-pandemic world. And here is another sign that the worst or even all of it is over: live music is back at WICN Studio 50!
It was only a few months ago that I wrote about Mafalda Minnozzi's latest release, Cinema City - Jazz Scenes From Italian Film. And now we have the distinct honor of hosting this passionate singer live right here in Worcester. She is joined by her music director, arranger, and guitarist, Paul Ricci.
This is really a unique opportunity to hear an internationally known singer. She only recently added Worcester to her tour, with stops in Brazil, Italy, and New York City.
To get an idea of the duo's enchanting sound, watch her perform Anonimo Veneziano, one of my favorite tracks from the new CD.
The performance will start during Brazil/World Jazz Hour at 10am ET. You do not want to miss this one!
Support Us During Our Fund Drive
The WICN 2022 Spring Fund Drive will be happening during this performance. As you know, it is your dollars that allow us to bring you great music, not only on disk but live as well! Once you hear the passion and honesty of Mafalda Minnozzi's art, you will be moved to support this great station.
Think about it. We share a passion for a great art form, and it finds perfect expression here at WICN, where you hear the best jazz around. It is a real treasure. Please call with your support during the show at 508-752-0700. Volunteers will be standing by. If you prefer, donate online during the show.
Thanks again for tuning in to the Sunday Jazz Brunch.